Google scholar profile
Doebeli, M. 2011. Adaptive Diversification. Monographs in Population Biology, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Dieckmann, U., Doebeli, M., Metz, J. A. J. and Tautz, D. (eds.) 2004. Adaptive speciation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Journal articles:
Ispolatov I, Alekseeva E, Doebeli M. 2019. Competition-driven evolution of organismal complexity. PLoS Comput Biol 15(10): e1007388.
Simon van Vliet, Michael Doebeli. 2019. The role of multilevel selection in host microbiome evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Oct 2019, 116 (41) 20591-20597.
Louca, S, Astor, YM, Doebeli, M, Taylor, GT, Scranton, MI. 2019. Microbial metabolite fluxes in a model marine anoxic ecosystem. Geobiology 17: 628– 642.
Ito K., Doebeli, M. 2019. The joint evolution of cooperation and competition. Journal of theoretical biology. 480:1-12.
Ispolatov, I. & Doebeli, M. 2019. A note on the complexity of evolutionary dynamics in a classic consumer-resource model. 2019. Theor Ecol
Stilianos Louca, Mary I. Scranton, Gordon T. Taylor, Yrene M. Astor, Sean A. Crowe, Michael Doebeli. 2019. Circumventing kinetics in biogeochemical modeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (23) 11329-11338.
Gil J. B. Henriques, Burton Simon, Yaroslav Ispolatov, Michael Doebeli. 2019. Acculturation drives the evolution of intergroup conflict. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (28) 14089-14097.
Louca S, Mazel F, Doebeli M, Parfrey LW .2019. A census-based estimate of Earth’s bacterial and archaeal diversity. PLoS Biol 17(2): e3000106.
Mazzucco, R., Doebeli, M. & Dieckmann, U. 2018. The influence of habitat boundaries on branching along environmental gradients. Evol Ecol 32: 563.
Louca, S., Doebeli, M. & Parfrey, L.W. 2018. Correcting for 16S rRNA gene copy numbers in microbiome surveys remains an unsolved problem. Microbiome 6, 41.
Muthukrishna M, Doebeli M, Chudek M, Henrich J .2018. The Cultural Brain Hypothesis: How culture drives brain expansion, sociality, and life history. PLoS Comput Biol 14(11): e1006504
Louca, S., Shih, P.M., Pennell, M.W. et al. 2018. Bacterial diversification through geological time. Nat Ecol Evol 2, 1458–1467.
Louca, S., Polz, M.F., Mazel, F. et al. 2018. Function and functional redundancy in microbial systems. Nat Ecol Evol 2, 936–943.
Rubin I.N., Doebeli, M. 2017. Rethinking the evolution of specialization: A model for the evolution of phenotypic heterogeneity. Journal of theoretical biology 435:248-264.
Stilianos Louca, Michael Doebeli. 2017. Efficient comparative phylogenetics on large trees, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 6, Pages 1053–1055.
Doebeli, M., Ispolatov, I., Simon, B. 2017. Towards a mechanistic foundation of evolutionary theory. eLife 6, e23804.
Louca, S. and Doebeli, M. 2017. Taxonomic variability and functional stability in microbial communities infected by phages. Environ Microbiol, 19.
Louca, S., Jacques, S.M.S., Pires, A.P.F., Leal, J.S., González, A.L., Doebeli, M. and Farjalla, V.F. 2017, Functional structure of the bromeliad tank microbiome is strongly shaped by local geochemical conditions. Environ Microbiol, 19: 3132-3151.
Doebeli, M., Ispolatov, I. 2017. Diversity and Coevolutionary Dynamics in High-Dimensional Phenotype Spaces. American Naturalist 189, 105-120.
Louca, S., Hawley, A. K., Katsev, S. et al. 2016. Integrating biogeochemistry with multiomic sequence information in a model oxygen minimum zone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113, E5925-E5933.
Louca, S., Jacques, S.M.S., Aliny, P. et al. 2016. High taxonomic variability despite stable functional structure across microbial communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 0015.
Louca, S., Parfrey, L. W., Doebeli, M. 2016. Decoupling function and taxonomy in the global ocean microbiome. Science 353, 1272-1277.
Louca, S., Doebeli, M. 2016. Reaction-centric modeling of microbial ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 335, 74-86.
Louca, S., Doebeli, M. 2016. Transient dynamics of competitive exclusion in microbial communities. Environmental Microbiology 18, 1863-1874.
Ispolatov, I., Madhok, V., Doebeli, M. 2016. Individual-based models for adaptive diversification in high-dimensional phenotype spaces. Journal of Theoretical Biology 390, 97-105.
Doebeli, M., Abouheif, E. 2016. Modeling evolutionary transitions in social insects. eLife 5, e12721.
Louca, S., Doebeli, M. 2015. Calibration and analysis of genome-based models for microbial ecology. eLife 4, e08208.
Ispolatov, I, Madhok, V., Allende, S. doebeli, M. 2015. Chaos in high-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems. Scientifc Reports 5, 12506.
Louca, S., Doebeli, M. 2015. Detecting cyclicity in ecological time series. Ecology 96,158-171.
Débarre, F., Nuismer, S. L., Doebeli, M. 2014. Mulitdimensional (co-) evolutionary stability. American Naturalist 184, 158-171.
Svardal, H., Rueffler, C., Doebeli, M. 2014. Organismal complexity and the potential for evolutionary diversification. Evolution, 68, 3248-3259.
Louca, S., Doebeli, M. 2014. Distinguishing intrinsic limit cycles from forced oscillations in ecological time series. Theor. Ecol. 7, 381–390.
Débarre, F., Hauert, C., Doebeli, M. 2014. Social evolution in structured populations. Nature Comm. 5, 3409.
Doebeli, M., Ispolatov, I., 2014. Chaos and unpredictability in Evolution. Evolution 68, 1365-1373.
Louca, S., Lampo, M., Doebeli, M. 2014. Assessing host extinction risk following exposure to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 281, 20132783.
Doebeli, M., Simon, B. 2014. Studying the emergence of complicated group-level cultural traits requires a mathematical framework. Beh. Brain Sci. 3, 258-259.
Leimar, O., Sasaki, A., Doebeli, M., Dieckmann, U. 2013. Limiting similarity, species packing, and the shape of competition kernels. J. Theor. Biol. 339, 3-13.
Doebeli, M., Hauert, C., Killingback, T. 2013. A comment on “Towards a rigorous framework for studying 2-player continuous games” by Shade T. Shutters, J. Theor. Biol. 321, 40-43.
Simon, B., Fletcher, J. A. and Doebeli, M. 2013. Towards a general theory of group selection. Evolution 67, 1561-1572.
Doebeli, M. and Ispolatov, I. 2013. Symmetric competition as a universal model for single species adaptive dynamics. J. Math. Biol. 67, 169–184.
Maddison, J. A., Doebeli, M. 2013. Positive frequency-dependence in graffiti: an empirical case study of cultural evolution. Journal of Cognition and Culture 13, 287–311.
Herron, M. D. and Doebeli, M. 2013. Parallel evolutionary dynamics of diversification in E. Coli. PLOS Biology 11, e1001490.
Zukewich, J., Kurella, V, Doebeli, M. and Hauert, C. 2013. Consolidating Birth-Death and Death-Birth processes in structured populations. PLOS One 8, e54639.
Chen, X., Schick, A., Doebeli, M., Blachford, A., Wang, L. 2012. Reputation-based Conditional Interaction Supports Cooperation in Well-mixed Prisoner’s Dilemmas. PLOS One 7, e36260.
Simon, B., Fletcher, J. A. and Doebeli, M. 2012. Hamilton’s rule in multi-level selection models. J. Theor. Biol. 299, 55-63.
Doebeli, M. 2012. Cultural evolution as an epidemiological birth-death process. A comment on an article by H. Gintis. The Social Evolution Forum, Evolution Institute.
Ispolatov, I., Ackermann, M. and Doebeli, M. 2011. Division of labour and the evolution of multicellularity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 279, 1768-1776.
Herron, M. D., Doebeli, M. 2011. Adaptive Diversification of a plastic trait ina predictably fluctuating environment. J. Theor. Biol. 285, 58-68.
Ispolatov, I., Doebeli, M. 2011. Omnivory can both enhance and dampen perturbations in food webs. A model for the evolutionary diversification of religions. Theor. Ecol. 4, 55-67.
Ispolatov, I. and Doebeli, M. 2010. On the evolution of decoys in plant immune systems. Biological Theory 5, 256-263.
Saxer, G., Doebeli, M. and Travisano, M. 2010. The Repeatability of Adaptive Radiation During Long-Term Experimental Evolution of Escherichia coli in a Multiple Nutrient Environment. PLoS One, Volume 5, e14184.
Tyerman, J. and Doebeli, M. 2010. Variation in the propensity to diversify in experimental populations of E. coli: Consequences for adaptive radiation. Evol. Ecol. Res. 12, 803-820.
Doebeli, M. 2010. Inclusive fitness is just bookkeeping. Nature 467, 661-661.
Doebeli, M., Ispolatov, I., 2010. A model for the evolutionary diversification of religions. J. Theor. Biol. 267, 676-684.
Doebeli, M., Ispolatov, I., 2010. Continuously stable strategies as evolutionary branching points. J. Theor. Biol. 266, 529-535.
Killingback, T., Doebeli, M. and Hauert, C. 2010. Diversity of Cooperation in the tragedy of the commons. Biological Theory 5, 3-6.
Doebeli, M., Ispolatov, I. 2010. Complexity and Diversity. Science 328, 494-497.
Le Gac, M., Doebeli, M. 2010. Epistasis and frequency dependence influence the fitness of an adaptive mutation in a diversifying lineage. Molecular Ecology 19, 2430-2438, 2010.
Fletcher, J. A., Doebeli, M. 2010. Assortment is a more fundamental explanation for the evolution of altruism than inclusive fitness or multilevel selection: reply to Bijma and Aanen. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 277, 677-678.
Le Gac, M., Doebeli, M. 2010. Environmental viscosity does not affect the evolution of cooperation during experimental evolution of colicinogenic bacteria. Evolution 64, 522-533.
Ispolatov, J., Doebeli, M. 2009. Speciation due to hybrid necrosis in plant-pathogen models. Evolution 63, 3076-3084.
Saxer, G., Doebeli, M. Travisano, M. 2009. Spatial Structure Leads to Ecological Breakdown and Loss of Diversity. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 276, 2065-2070.
Svanback, R., Pineda-Krch, M. and Doebeli, M. 2009. Fluctuating population dynamics promotes the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. American Naturalist 174, 176-189.
Ispolatov, J., Doebeli, M. Diversification along environmental gradients in spatially structured populations. 2009. Evol. Ecol. Res. 11, 295-304.
Blachford, A., Doebeli, M. 2009. On Luck and Sex. Evolution 63, 40-47.
Fletcher, J. A., Doebeli, M. 2009. A simple and general explanation for the evolution of altruism. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 276, 13-19.
Hauert, C., Wakano, J. Y. and Doebeli, M. 2008. Ecological public goods games: Cooperation and bifurcation. Theor. Pop. Biol. 73, 257-263.
Elmhirst, T., Stewart, I. and Doebeli, M. 2008. Pod systems: an equivariant ordinary differential equation approach to dynamical systems on a spatial domain. Nonlinearity 21, 1507-1531.
Ackermann, M., Stecher, B., Freed, N. E., Songhet, P., Hardt, W., Doebeli, M. 2008. Self-destructive cooperation mediated by phenotypic noise. Nature 454, 987-990.
Leimar, O., Doebeli, M. and Dieckmann, U. 2008. Evolution of Phenotypic Clusters through Competition and Local Adaptation along an Environmental Gradient. Evolution 62, 807-822.
Le Gac, M., Brazas, M. D., Bertrand, M., Tyerman, J., Spencer, C. C., Hancock, R. E. W., Doebeli, M. 2008. Metabolic Changes Associated With Adaptive Diversification in Escherichia coli. Genetics 178, 1049-1060.
Tyerman, J., Bertrand, M., Spencer, C. C., Doebeli, M. 2008. Experimental demonstration of ecological character displacement. BMC Evol. Biol. 8, 34.
Spencer C.C., Tyerman, J., Bertrand, M., Doebeli, M. 2008. Adaptation increases the likelihood of diversification in an experimental bacterial lineage. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 105, 1585-1589.
Ackermann, M., Chao, L., Bergstrom, C.T., Doebeli, M. 2007. On the evolutionary origin of aging. Aging Cell 6, 235-244.
Utz, M., Kisdi, E., Doebeli, M. 2007. Quasi-local competition in stage-structured metapopulations: A new mechanism of pattern formation. Bull. Math. Biol. 69, 1649-1672.
Spencer, C., Saxer, G., Travisano, M. and Doebeli, M. 2007. Seasonal resource oscillations maintain diversity in bacterial microcosms. Evol. Ecol. Res. 9, 775-789.
Doebeli, M., Blok, H.J., Leimar, O., and Dieckmann, U. 2007. Multimodal pattern formation in phenotype distributions of sexual populations. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 274, 347-357.
Pineda-Krch, M., Blok H.J., Dieckmann, U., and Doebeli, M. 2007. A tale of two cycles – distinguishing quasi-cycles and limit cycles in finite predator-prey populations. OIKOS 116, 53-64.
Spencer C.C. , Bertrand, M., Travisano, M., and Doebeli, M. 2007. Adaptive diversification in genes that regulate resource use in Escherichia coli. PLoS Genetics 3, 0083-0088.
Hauert, C., Holmes, M., Doebeli, M. Evolutionary games and population dynamics: maintenance of cooperation in public goods games (vol 273, pg 2565, 2006). Proc. Roy. Soc. B 273, 3131-3132, 2006.
Fletcher, J.A., Zwick, M., Doebeli, M. and Wilson, D. S. 2006. What’s wrong with inclusive fitness? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21, 597-598.
Doebeli, M. and Hauert, C. 2006. Limits of Hamilton’s rule. J. Evol. Biol. 19, 1386-1388.
Fletcher, J. and Doebeli, M. 2006. How altruism evolves: assortment and non-additivity. J. Evol. Biol. 19, 1389-1393.
Hauert, C., Holmes, M. and Doebeli, M. 2006. Evolutionary games and population dynamics: maintenance of cooperation in public goods games. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 273, 2565-2570.
Killingback, T., Blok, H., Doebeli, M. 2006. Extinction Dynamics in Spatially Structured Ecosystems. J. Theor. Biol. 2421, 745-750.
Hauert, C., Michor, F., Nowak, M. and Doebeli, M. 2006. Synergy and discounting of cooperation in social dilemmas. J. Theor. Biol. 239, 195-202.
Nuismer, S.L., Doebeli, M., Browning, D. 2005. The coevolutionary dynamics of antagonistic interactions mediated by quantitative traits with evolving variances. Evolution 59, 2073-2082.
Doebeli, M. and Hauert, C. 2005. Models of cooperation based on the Prisoner’s Dilemma and the Snowdrift game. Ecol. Lett. 8, 748-766, 2005.
Doebeli, M. and Dieckmann, U. 2005. Adaptive dynamics as a mathematical tool to study the ecology of speciation. J. Evol. Biol. 18, 1194-1200.
Dieckmann, U. and Doebeli, M. 2005. Pluralism in Evolutionary Theory. J. Evol. Biol. 18, 1209-1213.
Tyerman, J., Havard, N., Saxer, G., Travisano, M. and Doebeli, M. 2005. Unparallel diversification in bacterial microcosms. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272, 1393-1398.
Doebeli, M. 2005. Adaptive speciation when assortative mating is based on female preference for a male marker trait. J. Evol. Biol. 18, 1587-1600.
Doebeli, M., Dieckmann, U., Metz, J.A.J., Tautz, D. 2005. What we have also learned: Adaptive speciation is theoretically plausible. Evolution 59, 691 – 695.
Ackermann, M., Doebeli, M. 2004. Evolution of niche width and adaptive diversification. Evolution 58, 2599-2612.
Doebeli, M., Hauert, C., and Killingback T. 2004. The evolutionary origin of cooperators and defectors. Science 306, 859-862.
Ifti, M., Killingback, D. and Doebeli, M. 2004. Effects of neighbourhood size and connectivity on the continuous spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma. J. Theor. Biol. 231, 97-106.
Nuismer, S. L., Doebeli, M. 2004. Genetic correlations and the coevolutionary dynamics of three species systems. Evolution 58, 1165-1177.
Hauert, C., Doebeli, M. 2004. Spatial structure often inhibits the evolution of cooperation in the snowdrift game. Nature 428, 643-646.
Friesen, M. Saxer, G. Travisano, M., Doebeli, M. 2004. Experimental evidence for sympatric ecological diversification due to frequency-dependent competition in E. coli. Evolution 58, 45-260.
Bolnick, D., Doebeli, M. 2003. Sexual dimorphism and adaptive speciation: two sides of the same ecological coin. Evolution 57 (11), 2433–2449.
Doebeli, M., Killingback, T. Metapopulation Dynamics with quasi-local competition. 2003. Theor. Pop. Biol. 64, 397-416.
Doebeli, M. and Dieckmann, U. 2003. Speciation along environmental gradients. Nature 421, 259-264.
Killingback, T. and Doebeli, M. 2002. The Continuous Prisoner’s Dilemma and the evolution of cooperation through reciprocal altruism with variable investment. 2002. American Naturalist 160, 421-438.
Doebeli, M. 2002. A model for the evolutionary dynamics of cross-feeding polymorphisms. Population Ecology 44, 59-70.
Maire, N., Ackermann, M. and Doebeli, M. 2001. On the evolution of anisogamy through evolutionary branching. Selection 2, 107-119.
Flatt, T., Maire, N. and Doebeli, M. 2001. A bit of sex an population dynamics. J. Theor. Biol., 212, 345-354.
Doebeli, M. and Dieckmann, U. 2000. Evolutionary branching and sympatric speciation caused by different types of ecological interactions. American Naturalist 156, S77-S101.
Stearns, S. C., Ackermann, M., Doebeli, M. and Kaiser, M. 2000. Experimental evolution of aging, growth and reproduction in fruitflies. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 3309-3313.
Killingback, T., Doebeli, M. and Knowlton, N. 1999. Variable investment, the Continuous Prisoner’s Dilemma, and the origin of cooperation. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 266, 1723-1728.
Killingback, T. and Doebeli, M. 1999 ‘Raise the stakes’ evolves into a defector. Nature 400, 518.
Dieckmann, U. and Doebeli, M. 1999. On the origin of species by sympatric speciation. Nature 400, 354-357.
Brauchli, K., Killingback, T. and Doebeli, M. 1999. Evolution of cooperation in spatially structured populations. J. Theor. Biol. 200, 405-417.
Koella, J. C. and Doebeli, M. 1999. Population dynamics and the evolution of virulence in epidemiological models with discrete host generations. J. Theor. Biol. 198, 461-475.
Johst, K., Doebeli, M. and Brandl, R. 1999. Evolution of complex dynamics in spatially structured populations. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 266, 1147-1154.
Blarer, A. and Doebeli, M. 1999. Resonance effects and outbreaks in ecological time series. Ecol. Lett. 2, 167-177.
Doebeli, M. and de Jong, G. 1999. Genetic variability in sensitivity to population density affects the dynamics of simple ecological models. Theor. Pop. Biol. 55, 37-52.
Stearns, S. C., Ackermann, M. and Doebeli, M. 1998. The experimental evolution of aging in fruitflies. Experimental Gerontology 33, 785-792.
Doebeli, M. and Knowlton, N. 1998. The evolution of interspecific mutualisms. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 8676-8680.
Doebeli, M. and Ruxton, G. D. 1998. Stabilization through spatial pattern formation in metapopulations with long-range dispersal. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 265, 1325-1332.
Doebeli, M. and de Jong, G. 1998. A simple genetic model with non-equilibrium dynamics. J. Math. Biol. 36, 550-556.
Killingback, T. and Doebeli, M. 1998 Self-organized criticality in spatial evolutionary game theory. J. Theor. Biol. 191, 335-340.
Doebeli, M. 1998. Invasion of rare mutants does not imply their evolutionary success: a counterexample from metapopulation theory. J. Evol. Biol. 11, 389-401.
Doebeli, M., Blarer, A. and Ackermann, M. 1997. Population dynamics, demographic stochasticity, and the evolution of cooperation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 5167-5171.
Doebeli, M. and Ruxton, G. D. 1997. Evolution of dispersal rates in metapopulation models: branching and cyclic dynamics in phenotype space. Evolution 51, 1730-1741.
Doebeli, M. and Ruxton, G. D. 1997. Controlling spatial chaos in metapopulations with long-range dispersal. Bull. Math. Biol. 59, 497-515.
Doebeli, M. and Blarer, A. 1997. A note on the timing of tradeoffs in discrete life history models. J. Evol. Biol. 10, 107-120.
Doebeli, M. 1997. Genetic variation and the persistence of predator-prey interactions in the Nicholson-Bailey model. J. Theor. Biol. 188, 109-120.
Ruxton, G. D. and Doebeli, M. 1996. Spatial self-organisation and persistence of transients in a metapopulation model. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 263, 1153-1158.
Killingback, T. and Doebeli, M. 1996. Spatial evolutionary games: hawks and doves revisited. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 263, 1135-1144.
Blarer, A. and Doebeli, M. 1996. In the red zone. Nature 380, 589-590.
Blarer, A. and Doebeli, M. 1996. Heuristic optimization of the general life history problem. A novel approach. Evol. Ecol. 10, 81-96.
Doebeli, M. 1996. Reductive group actions on affine quadrics with 1-dimensional quotient: linearization when a linear model exists. Transformation Groups 1, 187-214.
Doebeli, M. 1996. A quantitative genetic competition model for sympatric speciation. J. Evol. Biol. 9, 893-909.
Doebeli, M. 1996. An explicit genetic model for ecological character displacement. Ecology 77, 510-520.
Doebeli, M. 1996. Quantitative genetics and population dynamics. Evolution 50, 532-546.
Doebeli, M., Koella, J. Chaos and evolution. 1996. Trends. Ecol. Evol. 11, 220-220.
Blarer, A., Doebeli, M. and Stearns, S. C. 1995. Diagnosing senescence: inferring evolutionary causes from phenotypic patterns can be misleading. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 262, 305-312.
Doebeli, M. and Koella, J. C. 1995. Evolution of simple population dynamics. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 260, 119-125.
Doebeli, M. 1995. Updating Gillespie with controlled chaos. American Naturalist 146, 479-487.
Doebeli, M. 1995. Evolutionary predictions from invariant physical measures of dynamic processes. J. Theor. Biol. 173, 377-387.
Doebeli, M. 1995. Phenotypic variability, sexual reproduction, and evolutionary population dynamics. J. Evol. Biol. 8, 173-195.
Doebeli, M. 1995. Dispersal and dynamics. Theor. Pop. Biol. 47, 82-106.
Doebeli, M. and Koella, J. C. 1994. Sex and population dynamics. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 257, 17-23.
Doebeli, M. 1994. Linear models for reductive group actions on affine quadrics. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 122, 505-531.
Doebeli, M. 1994. Intermittent chaos in population dynamics. J. Theor. Biol. 166,325-330.
Doebeli, M. 1993. The evolutionary advantage of controlled chaos. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 254, 281-286.
Book Chapters:
Dieckmann, U. and Doebeli, M. 2004. Speciation through evolutionary branching. In Adaptive Speciation (U. Dieckmann, D. Tautz, J. A. J. Metz, and M. Doebeli, eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Doebeli, M. and Dieckmann, U. 2004. Parapatric speciation along an environmental gradient. In Adaptive Speciation (U. Dieckmann, D. Tautz, J. A. J. Metz, and M. Doebeli, eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Doebeli, M. 2011. Adaptive dynamics: a framework for modeling the long-term evolutionary dynamics of quantitative traits. In The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology, eds. E. Svensson and R. Calsbeck, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Book reviews:
Doebeli, M. 1998. Basic theory, Plain and simple. A review of “Population Biology: Concepts and Models” by Alan Hastings (Springer New York). J. Evol. Biol. 11, 647-648.
Doebeli, M. 1999. The marginal value of relations. A review of “Foundations of social evolution “by Steven A. Frank (Princeton University Press, Princeton). J. Evol. Biol. 12, 837-838.
Doebeli, M. 2010. A review of “Critical Transitions in Nature and Society” by Marten Scheffer, Princeton Studies in Complexity, Princeton. Quarterly Review of Biology, 85, 212–213.