
Costa Rica Slide Show 17 corrected smI study the processes of adaptation and speciation in natural populations. In my research, I exploit cases in which species have independently adapted to similar environments. These cases essentially represent replicated natural experiments that allow us to isolate the effects of natural selection in wild populations and over evolutionary time-scales otherwise impossible to investigate. One area of particular interest to me is how and under what circumstances (ecological, demographic, genetic etc..) natural selection can drive speciation. I work with very young or incipient species, with which it is possible to understand what changes occur during the speciation process (rather than long after species form) and what forces drive these changes. Another predominant focus of my research is the predictability of the genetic basis of adaptation. I aim to understand how often the same genetic changes underlie repeated phenotypic evolution, and why adaptation may preferentially involve some genetic changes over others.  I am currently a postdoctoral research associate working on the AdapTree Project with Michael Whitlock, Loren Rieseberg and Sally Aitken at the University of British Columbia.