Evolution discussion group

Welcome to the Evolution Discussion Group (EDG) at the Zoology Department of the University of British Columbia.

We meet at 12:00 noon on Fridays in Biodiversity room 224 (the big meeting room on the second floor). Our purpose is to discuss recent research papers in evolutionary biology.

All graduate students, postdocs, and faculty interested in evolutionary biology are welcome. Feel free to bring your lunch.

For information about subscribing to the mailing list please see the bottom of this page

Paper choosers: Please avoid selecting papers from Nature, Science, and PNAS.

Current schedule

Date Presenter Paper
9 Jan Kim Gilbert Fronhofer et al. 2014 Spatially correlated extinctions select for less emigrations but larger dispersal distances in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Evolution. Supplemental figure 1 and 2
16 Jan Jasmine Ono Sherman et al. 2014 Interspecific tests of allelism reveal the evolutionary timing and pattern of accumulation of reproductive isolation mutations. PLoS Genetics.
23 Jan Kieran Samuk Dion-Cote et al. 2015 Reproductive isolation in a nascent species pair is associated with aneuploidy in hybrid offspring. Proceedings B.
30 Jan Greg Owens Fontaine et al. 2015 Extensive introgression in a malaria vector species complex revealed by phylogenomics. Science.
6 Feb Chris Muir Heckmann et al. 2013 Predicting C4 photosynthesis evolution: modular, individually adaptive steps on a Mount Fuji fitness landscape. Cell.
13 Feb
20 Feb NO EDG Spring Break
27 Feb Nathaniel Sharp Rattray et al. 2015 Elevated mutation rate during meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS Genetics.
6 Mar Sally Otto Servedio and Burger 2014 The Counterintuitive Role of Sexual Selection in Species Maintenance and Speciation. PNAS.
13 Mar Silu Wang Kao et al. 2015 Population genomic analysis uncovers African and European admixture in Drosophila melanogaster populations from the southeastern United States and Caribbean Islands. Molecular Ecology.
20 Mar Everyone and anyone Presentation blitz - 1-5 minutes each to present on any paper/figure/analysis you would like. Send .ppt slide(s) to Kim.
27 Mar Ophelie Ronce Special Seminar: Models of adaptation to climate change in complex life cycles
3 April NO EDG Good Friday
10 April NO EDG ZGSA Symposium
17 Apr Kate Ostevik Senerchia et al. 2015 Genome reorganization in F1 hybrids uncovers the role of retrotransposons in reproductive isolation. Proceedings B.

Suggested Papers

  • Google Doc of Suggested Papers.
  • Mailing list information

    The email address for edg is: edg@zoology.ubc.ca

    To join this mailing list, send an email to edg-request@zoology.ubc.ca from your own account with the word "subscribe" in the subject line, without the quotation marks.

    To remove yourself from the list, send an email to edg-request@zoology.ubc.ca from your own account with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line, without the quotation marks


    Just email me at kgilbert(at)zoology.ubc.ca

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