

Bromeliads and insects in Costa Rica

Past research


Past research:


At Acadia University -  With Soren Bondrup-Nielsen , an examination of the effects of movement dynamics on the metapopulation structure of a forest insect, and a study of how self-organisation theory and adaptive management can be used in managing resources.  I did my MSc. with Soren in the Centre for Wildlife and Conservation Biology , Department of Biology , at Acadia University in the beautiful Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.  Soren and I continue to collaborate on projects.  

At St. Francis Xavier University - the development of a measurement technique for reconstruction of the growth history of populations of extinct graptolites. Using computer-aided infrared video microscopy, I reconstructed the life history of the extinct Graptoloid, Comograptus gorbiachinensis .  Back when I was a paleontologist.

Applied research- I learned a lot, and met great people while working at the Wildlife Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources .  I developed a handbook for the use and conservation of biodiversity on a provincial scale in Nova Scotia, and examined the effects of forestry practices on White-tailed Deer and coarse woody debris amounts.  Other work at the NSDNR included a paleoclimatic reconstruction of Atlantic Coastal Plain Nova Scotia , as well as mapping the location of red-listed plant habitat around lakes in the southern part of the province.  A recent project with the Centre for Applied Conservation Research at UBC had me up early and listening to birds while examining the bird community response to forestry practices (variable retention levels) on Vancouver Island.

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