BRITE Workshops

(opportunities still available)
BRITE Workshop Proposal Form (pdf format) Proposal Form (doc format)

Fall 2016Spatial Data and Analysis in Ecological and Social Systems

May 2016Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to acquire biological data

Jul 2015EukRef - Eukaryotic Reference Database Curation

Apr 2015Media Training

Mar 2015Food Web Workshop

Mar 2015R workshop: Maps and spatial data

Sept 2014Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution

May 2014Advanced Topics in R: Using formulas for graphics, data aggregation and statistical modelling

Apr 2014Species Distribution Modeling workshop

Apr 2014Advanced Topics in R: Organizing code in functions and modules for reuse and readability

Apr/May 2014 The R environment: Introduction and Special Topics (3 half-day sessions)

Feb 2014rOpenSci workshop

Feb 2014Workshop on accessible and reproducible science

Jan 2014Communicating Science: Open Access Publishing, Author Rights and Repositories

Nov 2013Presentation Skills Workshop

Oct 2013Mathematic Basics for Biodiversity Research

Sept 2013Ecopath with Ecosim (EsE) Introductory Workshop

Sept 2013R Basics and Beyond

July 2013Tools for Scientific Storytelling: Social Media

Apr 2013Ecopath with Ecosim (EsE) Introduction to Programming

Apr 2013From Secret Source to Open Source: Fundamentals of Intellectual Property

Mar 2013Media Relations

Feb 2013Software Carpentry Bootcamp

Sept 2012Video Production Workshop

Sept 2012Crossing Ecosystem Boundaries

Sept 2011; Sept 2012Scholarship writing seminar (offered twice)

Apr 2012Structural Equation Modeling in R

Jan 2012How to effectively deliver talks and capture your audience

Nov 2011Social Media for Scientists

May 2011Workshops co-hosted by BRITE and the Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution meetings
  • Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution with Mathematica (with Sally Otto)
    This workshop will introduce participants to the logic behind modeling in biology, focusing on developing equations, finding equilibria, analyzing stability , and running simulations. All of these techniques will be taught within the software tool, Mathematica. Participants will need to come with a computer with Mathematica loaded (a trial version or a student version is fine).
  • Statistical Analysis of Biological Data in R (with Dolph Schluter)
    This workshop will introduce students to using R for analyzing data: Intro to R - vectors and data frames; Graphics in R; Introduction to linear models; Linear models in R. Participants should have had an introductory statistics course and should be familiar with topics such as hypothesis testing and standard regression analysis. Participants must arrive with a working version of R loaded on their laptops and will be asked to work through a preliminary assignment ahead of time (further details will be sent out in advance of the workshop).
  • Phylogenetic analyses in R (with Luke Harmon)
    This workshop will introduce students to manipulating phylogenies within R and using them for comparative analyses. Participants must arrive with a working version of R loaded on their laptops, and the libraries ape, geiger, diversitree, and ouch. Participants will also be asked to work through a preliminary assignment ahead of time (further details will be sent out in advance of the workshop).

Apr 2011How to get from here to there? A Panel Presentation and Discussion of Career Opportunities in Biodiversity Research
This BRITE-sponsored panel discussion brought in three panelists representing a spectrum of careers in the biodiversity sciences to discuss non-academic career paths and the elements necessary for success in the non-profit, corporate, and governmental sectors:
  • Dr. Greg Sharam, Rescan Environmental Services Ltd., Terrestrial Ecology Discipline Lead
  • Christianne Wilhelmson, M.Sc., Executive Director, Georgia Strait Alliance
  • Dr. Stephanie Hazlitt, Conservation Science and Policy Specialist, BC Ministry of Environment
Panelists discussed the paths that they took to their current successes and the advice that they have for others interested in careers in organizations outside of academia.

Apr 2011Media Training Workshop
Ever wonder what you would say if a journalist called you up about your latest paper? Or wondered how you could communicate your research to a broader audience? This afternoon workshop, hosted by Brian Lin, M.J. (Senior Communications Co-ordinator, UBC Public Affairs Office) and Chris Balma (Director, Communications UBC Science), provided guidance on communicating science with the Media.

Mar 2011Bayesian Population Genetic Data Analysis
In this workshop, Dr. Kent Holsinger (University of Connecticut) will give an introduction to the basics of Bayesian inference and F-statistic estimation using a Bayesian approach. This abridged version will be based on the highly successful module that Kent has delivered for 10 years with Bruce Weir as part of the Summer Institute of Statistical Genetics. The second part of the workshop will be interactive, focusing on problem solving with your data sets! This is an amazing opportunity to get insight into the best approaches and options for addressing your research questions. Among the possible options to discuss are those implemented in Structure, BayesAss+, Structurama, Geneland, Migrate, Lamarc, Geste, BiMR, etc.

Feb 2011Bioinformatics workshop: Coding in Python
In this workshop, students will be guided through the process of scripting using Python, with the goal that they (a) can get a few basic things done right away, (b) can figure out if they like Python, and (c) figure out where to go to learn more. The main examples will include basic text-file parsing (i.e., converting data in an Excel spreadsheet into something suitable for input into R) and using Python to link together different tools. The workshop will finish with a tour of the Python world, to give an idea of some of the other Python-related tools that are available (like NumPy and BioPython).

Feb 2011Bioinformatics workshop: Using UNIX
This half day workshop will cover everything from moving around your computer to writing shell scripts to submitting jobs on remote machines.

Feb 2011Creating your own Research Database: Linking with Major Biodiversity Information Systems such as FishBase and SeaLifeBase
There is a great need for databases on biodiversity, but we should avoid reinventing the wheel. Take the empty shell of FishBase (the most successful biodiversity database to date; see and apply/modify it to your data. SeaLifeBase, built from an empty FishBase shell in 2006 using the Catalogue of Life as a taxonomic backbone and now available as a searchable online information system (, is the proof that this concept works. The workshop will show potential users how FishBase and SeaLifeBase models can be used to create their own research databases by using other resources and focusing their efforts on their topics of interest.

Oct 2010Introduction to Project Management
This workshop is presented by Robyn Roscoe, BSc, PMP (Head, Strategic Planning and Project Management, BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre). Robin will describe strategies for successful project management. This three-part workshop covers: Introduction and Scope Management, Time Management, and Communications and Risk Management. [Primary organizer: UBC's Working on Walls Training Program]

Sept/Oct 2010Spatial Data Analysis in Ecology and Evolution
This workshop is intended to provide students with a working knowledge of spatial data and the software, techniques and major issues related to spatial analysis in ecology and evolution. Focusing on specific examples and run laboratory-style, the workshop will be geared towards students who are interested in incorporating spatial data into their research but for whom a full course in spatial data analysis is beyond the scope of their needs and/or prohibitive with respect to time commitment. The workshop will be organized into a series of independent modules, each led by people with specific expertise in the topic at hand. Topics to be covered include: 1) Introduction to spatial data and data management in geographic information systems 2) Spatial statistics 3) Landscape genetics/ connectivity 4) Species distribution modeling and 5) Ecological reserve design and selection.

June 2010Bioinformatics Workshop: Coding in PERL
This workshop is intended to provide researchers with little or no bioinformatics background the skills and knowledge to begin working with large scale genomic data sets. During the course of the workshop we will introduce basic perl programming, sequence search algorithms, features of current next-generation genomic data, and cleaning and assembly of genomic data sets. Workshop leaders are Drs. Mike Barker & Katrina Dlugosch

Apr/May 2010Filmmaking Tools for the Working Scientist
Communication of research findings to the public using video is easier and more accessible than ever. This 2-week immersion workshop will introduce 16-20 students to the use of video as a means to communicate scientific and natural history information. Workshop leaders are Jeff Morales (National Geographic Television & VONIGO Films) and Dr. Colin Bates (Bamfield Marine Sciences). Topics will include story selection, planning, writing, camera technique, voiceovers, technical aspects of video and audio production, video and audio editing, project output, and distribution. By the end of the two-week workshop, pairs of students will each produce a short film. These short films will subsequently be showcased at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum.

Nov 2009The Meaning and Role of Theory in Evolutionary Biology
This workshop is a graduate student initiative, involving students in the Biodiversity Research Centre and Philosophy. This year's topic is the meaning and role of theory in evolutionary biology. This central question will be asked in the light of recent developments within the field. A group of distinguished philosophers and biologists will be giving their perspectives and engaging in fruitful discussion. Faculty and graduate students interested in the foundations of biology are welcome.
Nov 2009 Biodiversity Research Centre Science Writing Workshop
The first part of this workshop will focus on skills needed to write publishable scientific manuscripts, taught be UBC Professor Iain Taylor, who has extensive experience with science writing workshops. The second part will focus on making scientific research more accessible to a broader audience, taught by reknowned journalist Carl Zimmer (New York Times Book Review has called Zimmer "as fine a science essayist as we have"). The goals of this workshop are: a) to teach graduate students and postdocs the key components of writing a scientific manuscript, and b) to improve students' and postdocs' abilities to translate scientific concepts and findings to popular press. Overall the goal of the workshop is to improve the communication skills of science graduate students and postdocs. The ability to successfully communicate the importance of our research to a broader audience is crucial to attaining support for scientific research from the public and government.

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