Rik's Treehouse > Babbling in Binary > My Software > Orphanware > R2DToo > R2DToo Help > The Interface > New Simulation Dialog

New Simulation Dialog

Parameters Table
The New Simulation dialog presents the user with a table of model parameters which may be modified to begin a new simulation.

Parameters Table

Parameters Table

The Parameters table allows the user to modify the model parameters as described in the model's documentation.

To edit a parameter value click on the Value column beside the name of the desired parameter and enter a new value. Each parameter must be a real number--further constraints are indicated by square brackets [...] in the parameter Name column. See the model documentation for the meaning of the constraints. If an entered value is invalid a warning will sound and the entry will return to its prior value. Top of page


OK Button
Initializes a new simulation using the specified parameter values.
Cancel Button
Closes the dialog without modifying the current simulation.
Help Button
Attempts to display this help file.
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Last updated: Fri Apr 30 2004, 2:33pm