Biol 418 Classroom Covid safety


Masks are required for all indoor classes, as per the BC Public Health Officer orders. You will need to wear a medical or non-medical mask for the duration of our class meetings, for your own protection, and the safety and comfort of everyone else in the class. You may be asked to remove your mask briefly for an ID check for an exam, but otherwise, your mask should cover your nose and mouth. Masks make it harder for Covid-19 to find a new host.

Masks are not required for instructors if 2 m from students or behind plexiglass, but are strongly recommended.

“Masks” refers to medical and non-medical masks that cover our noses and mouths.

Please do not eat in class. If you need to drink water/coffee/tea/etc, please keep your mask on between sips. Please note that there are some people who cannot wear a mask. These individuals are equally welcome in our class.

We acknowledge there may be valid medical circumstances which prevent some of you from wearing a mask – you too are welcome in this class. UBC has a process in place for requesting an accommodation for this:
  • Please apply for an exemption by contacting the Centre for Accessibility, () who will review the request in accordance with Policy LR7
  • After review, the student will be provided with a letter of accommodation to share with faculty members teaching courses in which they are registered
  • In the intervening time, we ask that you sit at a distance from others - for your own protection, and the safety and comfort of everyone else in the class


The instructor, Dolph Schluter, is fully vaccinated, as are the two TA’s for the course.

If you have not yet had a chance to get vaccinated against Covid-19, vaccines are available to you on campus for free.

The higher the rate of vaccination in our community overall, the lower the chance of spreading this virus. You are an important part of the UBC community. Please arrange to get vaccinated if you have not already done so.

Seating in class

To reduce the risk of Covid transmission, please sit in a consistent area of the classroom each day. This will minimize your contacts.

Your personal health

A daily self-health assessment is required before attending campus. Every day, before coming to class, complete the self-assessment for Covid symptoms using this tool:

If you’re sick, it’s important that you stay home – no matter what you think you may be sick with (e.g., cold, flu, other).

  • Do not come to class if you have Covid symptoms, have recently tested positive for Covid, or are required to quarantine.
  • You can check this website to find out if you should self-isolate or self-monitor.

If you miss class because of illness

  • Make a connection early in the term to another student or a group of students in the class. You can help each other by sharing notes
  • Consult the online class resources
  • Come to my Zoom office hours

Final exam

Students are expected to complete the final exam in person.

If you are sick on final exam day

  • Do not attend the exam.
  • Apply for deferred standing (an academic concession) through Science Advising no later than 48 hours after the missed final exam. Students who are granted deferred standing write the final exam/assignment at a later date. Apply online here
  • For additional information about academic concessions, see the UBC policy here

Instructor health

  • If I am ill, develop Covid symptoms, or test positive for Covid, then I will not come to class
  • If that happens, then I will either teach online temporarily at the class Zoom link (same as my office hours link), or ask someone to substitute teach for me

© 2009-2022 Dolph Schluter