Inventory of Drylab (March 2004)


- Coolers (many – Styrofoam and hard plastic)

- Nets (small, dark green netting)

- Many jars of fish – break up by ownership/project later

- Computer books

- Freshwater Invertebrates of the US

- Tandy 102 portable computer (x3)

- Slightly larger Tandy portable computer

- Portable Disc Drives (x3)

- S-Plus Statistics books

-Assorted computer discs (Microsoft office 3 ½”)

- Large metal Fish trap (similar to minnow trap design)

- 2 yellow buckets with fine mesh bottoms (plankton sieves?)

- Spare Nitex (lovely jubbly fine mesh – useful for brine shrimp rinsing?) – inside yellow buckets

- Old pair of oars – in good shape

- Old tent (no poles)

- Steel bars with holes in them (in corner – used for building old fish tank shelves?)

- Tupperware containers with holes in them, green lids (x12)

- Phone, answering machine (not being used)

- drawer unit filled with: warranties, instructions, computer manuals and software, safety information, waste disposal info & phone numbers,  supply/products books

- two large floats

- marine all purpose putty

- large plexi-glass minnow trap

- casting plaster

- pieces of nathans colour testing pipes

- polarized sunglasses

- tagging guns

- mold making kits

- liquid rubber

- acrylic paint (brown, black, silver, yellow, red, blue, green)

- super sculpey

- white primer

- pink spray paint

- small fishing floats

- label maker

- lead diving weights

- white string, black string

- dowels

- small tarp

- large screws and washers

- three smalls buckets rotenone

- one five inch portable black and white television

- one spotlight

- 2 Logitech Mouseware disks

- many empty bottles

- vermiculite (formalin spill kit)

- two framed butterfly pictures

- two canoe paddles

- one splash pool (moved to Arianne’s office)

- one boat motor battery

- one silver boat anchor

- four lifejackets

- three pairs of diving flippers

- two wet suits (both small)

- two 2 litre containers of gas

- lighter fluid

- fondu fuel

- one canoe lock

- one large blue enclosure

- one gas container 10L

- two fluorescent light covers

- one kettle

- one iron

- two shovels

- a large roll of mesh netting

- neoprene waders

- black metal computer lock box

- two large fluvial filter

- battery charger

- small seine net

- lots of yellow rope

- one red anchor

- two boat motors batteries (one old and one new)

- one large roll of clear plastic

- tent pegs

- electric boat motor

- two red pumps??? (maybe broken)

- seven 4 foot light fixtures

- six clear plexi-glass sheets

- one large net with green mesh

- one six X three foot table top

- two large sheets of particle board

- two wooden desks (one for Karen and one for computer)

- blueprints for ponds

- two chest waders (all leaky)

- one cactus creek sleeping mat

- two lab coats

- one dry suit

- assorted rain gear

- assorted gum boots

- one pair of black converse running shoes (size 8?)

- waste chemicals under sink

- extension cords and tools