Welcome to the website for the Vancouver Evolution Group (VEG)! VEG is a collection of researchers from Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia who meet monthly to informally discuss topics in evolutionary biology. All are welcome: undergraduates, graduates, postdocs, faculty, family and friends. To join our mailing list send an email to veg-request@zoology.ubc.ca with "subscribe" (w/o quotation marks) as the subject. Looking for new location!

Next Meeting

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Location: TBA

Paper: TBA

Bring: A little food (its a potluck!) & drink (BYOB)

Contact: mmosmond (funny symbol) zoology.ubc.ca

"Recent" papers:
Laland et al. 2014. Does evolutionary theory need a rethink? Nature 514:161-164. PDF (October 23, 2014)
Ratcliff et al. 2012. Experimental evolution of multicellularity. PNAS 109:1595-1600. PDF (September 18, 2014)