

Current Projects

How does increased thermal variability impact tidepool communities?

With climate change, organisms are predicted to experience greater fluctuations in temperature. I am interested in how these fluctuations will influence ecological communities. Using artificial tide pools and a propane turkey fryer, I am investigating how tide pool communities will respond to different magnitudes of warming.

Past Projects

Assessing the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup’s most recent data along the coast of British Columbia

This was a collaborative project that I worked on alongside Vanessa Fladmark, Santiago De la Puente, and the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. We looked at spatiotemporal trends in litter recovered along the coast of British Columbia. We also created an interactive where volunteers and the public can view and explore the recovered trash.

Mapping East Anvil Island glass sponge reefs in Howe Sound, British Columbia

I worked on this project with two other classmates while completing an advanced diploma in GIS at Sir Sanford Fleming College. We worked with Glen Dennison, a citizen scientists from British Columbia, who has discovered the majority of the glass sponge reefs in Howe Sound, BC. The goal of this project was to map the Anvil Island sponge reef using a combination of low-cost drop camera video footage and bathymetric data that Glen had collected on the reef. The results can be viewed in this web application.

The distribution of the orange-striped green anemone along the coast of British Columbia

I worked on this project for my undergraduate thesis at the University of British Columbia with Dr. Christopher Harley. I combined field surveys at over 40 sites with lab experiments to investigate which abiotic factors are important in determining the distribution of the orange-striped green sea anemone, Diadumene lineata.