Andreas Fahlman
Department of Zoology
The University of British Columbia
6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4

Phone: +1-604-822-5043
Fax: +1-604-822-8121
E-mail: fahlman@zoology.ubc.ca




Andreas Fahlman

Past Research:

Heritability of the mammalian dive response:

The heart and brain are organs that are vitally dependent upon a continuous supply of oxygen.  Interruption of oxygen supply for only a short time, as occurs during sleep apnea, stroke or heart disease, can cause permanent damage or death. The mammalian dive response is a conserved physiological trait that arises from natural selection, reflecting genotypic adaptations to prolonged apnea or asphyxia. The response is observed in both aquatic, and semi-aquatic (rat and musk rat) mammals, preventing permanent damage of heart and brain during prolonged apnea. A similar, although less prominent, type of response also occurs in man, making studies on appropriate animal models particularly relevant to humans.

Previous studies have shown a great variability in the human dive response and individual factors such as age and diving experience have been suggested to modify the bradycardia. It is known that that several factors induce or modify these cardiovascular responses, such as arterial hypoxia and hypercapnia, cessation of respiratory movements, and face immersion. Even though the physiological mechanism of this response has been thoroughly investigated, no study has investigated the genetic basis of this physiological trait. However, recent research have shown that the response is repeatable within the same subject over years suggesting that the trait is heritable.

In voluntarily diving rats and humans, the dive response has been shown to maintain perfusion to the heart and brain while reducing blood perfusion to viscera and muscle, and to reduce cardiac work, thus reducing overall oxygen consumption. This enables breath-hold diving mammals to remain submerged for as long as 120 min without apparent damage to the heart and brain. Thus, from a clinical perspective, a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of the dive response may provide novel strategies for treatments of various pathological oxygen depriving states. At the same time, this study will reveal the genotypic adaptations necessary for prolonged apnea and asphyxia in a mammalian animal model.

We hypothesized that variation in dive response phenotypes would be present in standard inbred rat strains. We further believed that these differences could be exploited in the identification of the genes responsible for the molecular basis of the dive response. Simple genetic traits represent only a small portion of the total genetic contribution to human health problems. Most traits with great impact on human health are complex, involving many genes that can interact with one another and with environmental factors, making the prediction of disease state for a given genotype a difficult task. For this reason, we used inbred rats as a model system to study the complex genetics underlying the highly conserved mammalian dive response. Working with inbred animals assured a reduced genetic variability within strains, i.e. all animals within a single strain are homozygous at most loci. Therefore, any differences in the quantitative trait between strains facilitated isolation of the genetic basis of the dive response. Rats were an excellent animal model as inbred strains are readily available, they are semi-aquatic animals that are easily trained and possess a strong dive response during forced as well as voluntary dives.

Respiratory muscle training:                                                                                                                                                                        

The percentage improvement in aerobic fitness is inversely related to the initial fitness level of the person. The respiratory system has traditionally been viewed to be capable of meeting the substantial demands for ventilation and gas exchange and the cardiopulmonary interactions imposed by short-term maximum exercise or long-term endurance exercise. However, the respiratory musculature can account for up to 10-15% of the total  VO2 during strenuous exercise in moderately and highly fit subjects and may restrict endurance capacity. For this reason it has been suggested that respiratory muscle training (RMT) can improve the endurance and strength of the respiratory muscles in healthy subjects and it was concluded most well controlled and rigorously designed studies have shown that RMT has a beneficial influence upon exercise performance.  During diving and especially in the course of military operations, the aerobic fitness could mean the difference between success or failure. Thus, the aerobic fitness during underwater operations is important. For this reason it was suggested that divers may benefit from RMT training and a previous study has shown that 30 min per day for 5 days per week of either respiratory isocapnic hyperpnea increased the endurance capacity as compared to control subjects . In addition, the same study showed that pressure threshold training against a spring loaded pressure of 50 cmH2O significantly increased endurance capacity by as much as 66%. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a modified RMT training schedule (3 sessions per week and 30 min per session) would significantly increase the underwater endurance swimming ability similar to that previously shown during 5 sessions per week.

Fasting related metabolic and cardiovascular changes in king penguins:

The use of heart rate (fH) to estimate metabolic rate in the field has recently received considerable attention and is based on the relationship between rate of oxygen consumption () and fH as formulated in the Fick equation for convection of O2 in the cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, it cannot always be assumed that the relationship between fH and  for a species remains the same under all conditions. The relationship may be affected by several factors such as gender, type and level of activity, physiological state (fasting, breeding, molting), and seasonal changes. For this reason we wanted to determine if the  relationship between and fH in king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) were affected by extended (up to 30 days) fasting in water and air.  Initially, five male king penguins were exercised at various speeds on repeated occasions during a fasting period of 24-31 days. In addition, and fH were measured in the same animals during rest in cold air and water (4° C). Resting and fH and during exercise decreased with fasting. There was a significant relationship between and fH (r2 = 0.56), and it was concluded that there was a significant change in theand fH relationship with fasting during exercise. However, there was no change in the ƒH/ relationship in penguins at rest in water (13).

In addition, the data showed that resting during fasting in air decreased with an allometric mass exponent of 2.02 (13). We therefore hypothesized that fasting would elicit a similar change in resting  of penguins in water. Therefore resting was measured in air and water in ten male king penguins before (Pre, 0-2 days after returning from the sea) and after (Post) an average fasting duration of 14.2 ± 2.3 days (mean ± 1 SD, range 10-19 days) in air and water. The Pre- and Post-fasting body masses were 13.8 ± 1.2 kg and 11.0 ± 0.6 kg (n = 10), respectively.  There was  no difference in air temperature (P > 0.1, 1-way ANOVA) or in water temperature (P > 0.2, t-test) between experiments and the mean temperatures in air and water were 14.2 ± 2.3° C and 8.5  ± 0.6° C, respectively. After fasting, the resting was 74% higher in water than in air (air:  86.0 ± 8.6 ml O2 · min-1; water: 149.5 ± 40.7 ml O2 · min-1, P < 0.01, Mann-Whitney), which is similar to other studies (Culik et al., 1996, J. Exp. Biol. 199: 973-983). However, after returning from the sea, there was no difference in resting  between air and water (air: 117.7 ± 19.3 ml O2 · min-1 water: 122.2 ± 27.3 ml O2 · min-1, P > 0.6, t-test). Thus, the mass specific metabolic rates (ml O2 · min-1 · kg-1) decreased in air and increased in water with fasting. This highlights the problems of using mass specific metabolic rates in comparative studies (17).

Hypoxia tolerance in humans:                                                                                                                                                             

Hypoxia is an environmental stressor that elicits acute, acclimatory and genetic responses in humans. The hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR), occurs over all three timescales and has typically been studied in Andean and Himalayan highlanders compared with each other or with Caucasian lowlanders. No studies have yet examined the hypoxia response in African populations and our research aimed at investigate population differences in this response in two distinct South African populations; Caucasians and Xhosa. We initially developed a portable breathing circuit that would enable us to measure HVR in the field (8). As variation in the acute HVR varies considerably between and within individuals we initially measured the within and between day variability of both HVR. Our study showed that the HVR is a reliable measure of physiological sensitivity to hypoxia but repeated measures are necessary to deal with the high intra-individual variability (14). There were no differences in HVR between Caucasians and Xhosa, but the two populations showed different ventilatory patterns in both hypoxia and normoxia (16). After controlling for body size, the tidal volume was higher, the breathing frequency smaller and the arterial O2 saturation lower in Xhosa as compared to Caucasians (16).  

Hydrogen biochemical decompression and diving research:                                                                                                            

Underwater exploration involves stressful exposure to elevated pressures, and the return to the normobaric environment has been recognized as one of the most dangerous parts of diving due to the risk of the so-called “bends,” or decompression sickness (DCS). DCS is not only limited to diving, but is also a problem for caisson workers and during aerospace flights, or any other exposure to changing atmospheric pressures. This research was performed under the supervision of Dr. Kayar, and we utilized H2-metabolizing microbes to increase the washout rate of the additional inert gas dissolved in the tissues after a hyperbaric exposure to H2.  We tested the hypothesis that the increased washout would decrease the DCS incidence and make the decompression phase of the hyperbaric exposure safer (4-7, 10).

Another area of research aimed at treating subjects already suffering from DCS. Recompression therapy is the only viable DCS treatment currently in use. The idea is to "re-compress" the subject so that the inert gas bubbles that has formed and are blocking the circulatory system dissolve and go into solution. An alternative would be to increase the solubility of the inert gas by injecting perfluorocarbon solutions, compounds with extremely high gas solubility and that are inert to the human body (12).   

Differential gene expression in hibernating squirrel hearts:                                                                                                                   

Hibernation is the key to winter survival for many small mammals living in seasonally cold environments. Through a combination of regulated metabolic rate depression, a resetting of the hypothalmic set point for body temperature, and the consequent steep reduction in body temperature (Tb) to near ambient, many small mammals can lower their metabolic rate during hibernation to <2% of the corresponding euthermic rate. As a result, the net energy savings during the winter season (including the cost of periodic arousals) can be as much as 88%, compared with the costs of remaining euthermic over the same time. The heart plays a vital role in hibernation for it must continue to circulate blood throughout the entire course hibernation although operating at a much lower body temperature and higher peripheral resistance than during euthermia. Indeed, whereas heart rate during hibernation may be only 1/30 or less of the euthermic value, the force of myocardial contraction is actually increased during torpor. Furthermore, although skeletal muscles showed some disuse atrophy during hibernation, cardiac tissue mass actually increased by 21 % and so did heart oxidative capacity as assessed by citrate synthase activities. Hence, some reorganization of gene expression to benefit heart function during hibernation should be expected. Changes to heart protein products could define the difference between the ready endurance of deep hypothermia by hibernating mammals and the lethal consequences that equivalent hypothermia exposure would have for most mammals, including man.

We prepared a cDNA library from heart of hibernating golden-mantled ground squirrels, Spermophilus lateralis. This library was differentially screened to clone genes that were upregulated during hibernation (1). Two differentially expressed clones were found that were identified as the ventricular isoform of myosin light chain 1 (MLC1v) and the mitochondrially-encoded protein, subunit 2 of NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ND2). Hibernation-induced up-regulation of MLC1v suggests that a restructuring of myosin subunit composition could contribute to changes in muscle contractility needed for hypothermic function whereas changes in ND subunit composition may affect the function of the electron transport chain during hibernation (1).



*Numbers refer to published papers on the publication page.