Angie O'Neill

Associate Professor of Teaching

Office: Biosci 4043

I am involved in teaching, course development, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In both lab and lecture classes I encourage students to develop problem solving skills while exploring the relationship between animal structure and function.

Courses Taught:
Since I started teaching as a Sessional Lecturer in 2005, I have taught the following courses:
Biology 204 - Vertebrate Structure and Function
Biology 205 - Comparative Invertebrate Zoology
Biology 361 - Physiology of Sensory, Nervous and Muscular Systems
Biology 140 - Laboratory Investigations in Life Science
Biology 240 - Experimental Design in the Life Sciences (Cell Biology Lab)

Currently, I teach Biology 205 and Biology 205.  Some years I teach the lectures for these courses, some years I teach the labs, and some years I teach a combination of the two.

Teaching Research:

What skills should students develop and what content should they learn during their BSc in Biology?  As a member of the Biology Undergraduate Program Evaluation and Renewal team, I am investigating which skills faculty and students identify as important, and helping to assess whether our students have the opportunity to develop these skills during their time in the Biology Program.

I am interested in developing activities that will help students to learn biological concepts and to improve their explanation skills and problem solving skills, and in analyzing which learning tools are the most helpful in facilitating student learning. To this end, I have been involved in using concept inventories to probe student understanding and assess the effectiveness of learning activities.

Another of my pedagogical interests is analyzing the relationship between course learning outcomes and exam questions, with the goal of providing students with learning outcomes that clearly represent how they will be examined.

Faculty of Science Killam Prize for Excellence in Teaching

For Teaching

Faculty of Science Killam Prize for Excellence in Teaching

For Teaching
Development of a Meiosis Concept Inventory
CBE-Life Sciences Education 12: 655-664
Kalas, P., A. O'Neill, C. Pollock, G. Birol
A Report on the Implementation of the Blooming Biology Tool: Aligning Course Learning Outcomes with Assessments and Promoting Consistency in a Large Multi-Section First-Year Biology Course
The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 1 (1)
O'Neill, A., G. Birol, C. Pollock