Angélica L. González

Nutrient cycling, food webs, ecosystem structure and functioning.
My research applies the framework of ecological stoichiometry (i.e., the study of the balance of multiple chemical substances in ecological interactions and processes) to explore how biodiversity affect, and is in turn affected by, the structure and functioning of ecosystems. My Ph.D. thesis sought to understand the role of nutrient inputs from fog on ecosystem structure and functioning, considering multiple organisms and trophic levels. My research includes stable isotope analysis as a tool for identifying nutrient sources and disentangling trophic pathways of energy and matter within ecosystems.
I am also interested in the effects of global environmental change on biogeochemical cycling. Of particular interest are the links between nutrient availability and stoichiometric constraints on invasive species, and the effects of biological invasions on pools and fluxes of elements within ecosystems. My research should help advance our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of consumer elemental stoichiometry, the stoichiometric constraints operating on consumer-resource interactions, and their influence on pools and fluxes of multiple chemical elements within ecosystems.

I have done additional research on the understanding of the influence of habitat structure on species diversity and conservation.
Can ecological stoichiometry help explain patterns of biological invasions?
Oikos 119: 779-790
Angélica L. González, John S. Kominoski, Michael Danger, Seiji Ishida, Noriko Iwai and Anja Rubach
Thermoregulation and activity pattern of the high-mountain lizard Phymaturus palluma (Tropiduridae) in Chile
Zoologia 27: 13–18
Marcela A. Vidal, Evelyn Habit, Pedro Victoriano, Angélica González-Gajardo & Juan C. Ortiz
Waterbird Assemblages and Habitat Characteristics in Wetlands: Influence of Temporal Variability on Species-Habitat Relationships
Waterbirds 32: 225-233
Angélica González-Gajardo, Pedro Victoriano Sepúlveda and Roberto Schlatter.
Relationship between habitat characteristics and insect assemblage structure in urban freshwater marshes from central-south Chile
RCHN 79: 195-211
Romina Villagrán-Mella, Mauricio Aguayo, Luis E. Parra & Angélica L. González
Synopsis of the inland aquatic birds of Chile
Gayana 70: 140-162
Pedro F. Victoriano, Angélica L. González & Roberto Schlatter
Birds of Coastal Wetlands of VIII Region, Chile
Historia, biodiversidad y ecología de los bosques costeros de Chile pp. 485-496
Angélica González & Pedro Victoriano
First record of a gravid marine turtle from Chile
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4: 716-717
Angélica González, Leyla Miranda & Juan Carlos Ortiz