
Throughout the term, any important announcements will be given in the Announcement section on Canvas.

Class will be held online using Zoom (available inside the course Canvas page) for the first few weeks. Lectures will be recorded and later posted for asynchronous viewing. Links will be give on the course Canvas page.

Some useful practice questions from the Felsenstein book are listed here.

The overheads used in the course are available.The contents of the material presented is subject to change until class time, so use these as a guide only. The most up to date version of these overheads is on the Canvas site, under "Files".


Assignments will be posted on Canvas.


The test for the course is a freely available book by Professor Graham Coop. The version I'll refer to in class is available here. For the most recent version, download "release_popgen_notes.pdf" from this github site.

Helpful materials

OLD Approximate course outline --will be updated

Formula sheet

Old midterm; another previous midterm, Midterm 2008 answer key, Midterm 2009, Midterm 2010, midterm 2014, and and an old final, with its answers ; Midterm key from 2017; Midterm key from 2018


Prof. Michael Whitlock

Office: Biodiversity 208. However, office hours will be held on Zoom. See the Canvas page for the link.

Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-2:15 (and after class)



The midterm date will be determined by a majority vote of the class.

Assignments are due on Fridays, at the time listed on the Canvas assignment.

An alternative textbook is Charlesworth and Charlesworth, The Elements of Population Genetics. You may prefer an equally good (in different ways) text by Joe Felsenstein, which is freely available as a PDF at

There are also many references on reserve in Woodward Library, including copies of Hartl and Clark.

The final grade for BIOL 434 will be composed of 50% final exam, 30% midterm, and 20% assignment marks.

Make-up policy: Make-ups for the final exam will follow the university policy. No make-ups for the mid-term are given. If a student misses the mid-term for a valid reason, the final exam grade will be counted for the mid-term as well.

Some quantitative genetic practice questions are here. (answers)