
Announcements for the class will probably mainly be on the canvas site for the course.

Overheads from lectures can be downloaded here. (These are for convenience only -- lectures may change).


The textbook (The Analysis of Biological Data 3rd Ed., by Whitlock and Schluter) is available for purchase at the UBC bookstore. (Note, the book is substantially cheaper online (e.g. at Macmillan directly) than at the UBC bookstore, but allow time for it to arrive. In the meantime, the first three chapters from the 2nd edition are available here, here, and here.) If you have the first or second edition, this will work for learning, although you will have to get access to a copy of the 3rd edition for some assignment problems. (A copy is on reserve in the Woodward library.)


An e-book version is available from the Macmillan Learning site.


The labs meet (in BioSci 2004) eleven times per term. These labs reinforce basic statistical principles, but moreover, they teach how to use the free and powerful statistical package called R. The schedule and materials for the labs are available here.


Assignments will appear on the canvas site for the course.

Practice and review materials



Prof. Michael Whitlock
Office: Biodiversity 208
Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-2:30 (on Zoom), or after class.

Dr. Anna Bazzicalupo
Office: Biodiversity 245
Office Hours:TBD (on Zoom), or after class.

Teaching Assistants

Listed on Canvas.

Tests and grading

The mid-term date will be on Thursday October 20 during regularly scheduled class.

Final exam date: TBD. The final exam will cover material from the whole course, including R from the labs. The final exam will last 2.5 hours.

The course grade will be averaged in the following way:



Lab (R) Final




Assignments (homework)


Lab assignments



Your performance on the exams is expected to reflect your own work, not that of other people. University policy dictates stern penalties for those who copy the work of others or allow their own work to be copied. On assignments, it is acceptable to work in groups, but it is not acceptable to copy another's work or allow your work to be copied.

If you miss the midterm with a legitimate excuse (either by pre-arrangement or an acceptable medical emergency with doctor's note), no make-up midterm will be offered. The final exam grade will be used in place of the midterm in the final grade assessment.