Sites of Interest to Evolutionists

Web Sites of Interest to Evolutionists

Evoldir - Announcements and positions in evolutionary biology

CSEE - Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution

SSE - Society for the Study of Evolution

ASN - American Society of Naturalists

ESEB - European Society for Evolutionary Biology

Journals - Journals in Ecology and Evolution

EP-GED - The Evolution and Population Genetics Educational Database

Evolution - A clearing house of information on Evolution.

The "White Paper" - What are the challenges and opportunities facing the study of evolution? Read about all this and more in the "White Paper", recently prepared by a group of more than 20 evolutionary biologists.

Quantitative Genetics - Resource Page Maintained by Bruce Walsh and Mike Lynch

Genetics - Database of on-line resources in genetics

Ecology - A clearing house of information on Ecology.

Phylogeny of living organisms - It is far from complete but there is still a good deal of information.

Biological and physical origins - A rich source of information regarding the creation-evolution debate.

Statistics and statistical genetics - Various software packages

OMIM (On-line Menelian Inheritance in Man) - Information about various human traits and diseases.

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