The following people provided help at various point in the project. Without their support, this project would have been impossible!
Jevua Maniapik, manager, Pangnirtung HTA, and her helper, Mary Etuangat, provided assistance with the organization of the project.
Many people accepted to share their very intimate knowledge of the fish and the land with me. I am especially grateful to the following people:
  1. Peterosie Qappik, chairman, Pangnirtung HTA
  2. Sakiasie Sowdloapik, Fish and Wildlife Officer, Pangnirtung
  3. Jacopee Kakee
I also received a lot of help catching fish from the following people:
Simon Wiley, Melanie Toyne and Ross Tallman from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Winnipeg were also essential to the success of this project.
Finally, the financial support of the following organizations is acknowledged:
Patrick Kilabuk
Joe Akpailaluk
Jamesee Ishulutak
Jake Shoapik
Noah Shoapik
Tony Nauyuk
Sakiasie Sowdloapik
Peterosie Qappik and Jevua Maniapik in the Pang HTA