make.bisse.split {diversitree}R Documentation

Binary State Speciation and Extinction Model: Split Models


Create a likelihood function for a BiSSE model where the tree is partitioned into regions with different parameters.


make.bisse.split(tree, states, nodes, split.t, unresolved=NULL,
                 sampling.f=NULL, nt.extra=10, strict=TRUE, control=list())



An ultrametric bifurcating phylogenetic tree, in ape “phylo” format.


A vector of character states, each of which must be 0 or 1, or NA if the state is unknown. This vector must have names that correspond to the tip labels in the phylogenetic tree (tree$tip.label). For tips corresponding to unresolved clades, the state should be NA.


Vector of nodes that will be split (see Details).


Vector of split times, same length as nodes (see Details).


Unresolved clade information: see section below for structure.


Vector of length 2 with the estimated proportion of extant species in state 0 and 1 that are included in the phylogeny. A value of c(0.5, 0.75) means that half of species in state 0 and three quarters of species in state 1 are included in the phylogeny. By default all species are assumed to be known.


The number of species modelled in unresolved clades (this is in addition to the largest observed clade).


The states vector is always checked to make sure that the values are 0 and 1 only. If strict is TRUE (the default), then the additional check is made that every state is present. The likelihood models tend to be poorly behaved where states are missing.


List of control parameters for the ODE solver. See details in make.bisse.


Branching times can be controlled with the split.t argument. If this is Inf, split at the base of the branch (as in MEDUSA). If 0, split at the top (closest to the present, as in the new option for MEDUSA). If 0 < split.t < Inf then we split at that time on the tree (zero is the present, with time growing backwards).

TODO: Describe nodes and split.t here.


Richard G. FitzJohn


pars <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.03, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01)
phy <- tree.bisse(pars, max.taxa = 30, x0 = 0)

Here is the phylogeny:

plot(phy, show.node.label = TRUE, label.offset = 0.1, font = 1, cex = 0.75, 
    no.margin = TRUE)
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Here is a plain BiSSE function for comparison:

lik.b <- make.bisse(phy, phy$tip.state)
lik.b(pars)  # -93.62479
## [1] -93.62

Split this phylogeny at three points: nd15, nd18 and nd26

nodes <- c("nd15", "nd18", "nd26")

This is the index in ape's node indexing:

nodes.i <- match(nodes, phy$node.label) + length(phy$tip.label)

nodelabels(node = nodes.i, pch = 19, cex = 2, col = "#FF000099")
## Error: has not been called yet

To make a split BiSSE function, pass the node locations and times in:

lik.s <- make.bisse.split(phy, phy$tip.state, nodes.i)

The parameters must be a list of the same length as the number of partitions. Partition '1' is the root partition, and partition i is the partition rooted at the node[i-1]

pars4 <- rep(pars, 4)
##  [1] 0.10 0.20 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.20
## [15] 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01

Run the likelihod calculation:

lik.s(pars4)  # -93.62479
## [1] -93.62

These are basically identical (to acceptable tolerance)

lik.s(pars4) - lik.b(pars)
## [1] 3.847e-09

You can use the labelled nodes rather than indices:

lik.s2 <- make.bisse.split(phy, phy$tip.state, nodes)
identical(lik.s(pars4), lik.s2(pars4))
## [1] TRUE

This also works where some tips are unresolved clades. Here are a few:

unresolved <- data.frame(tip.label = c("sp12", "sp32", "sp9", "sp22", 
    "sp11"), Nc = c(2, 5, 3, 2, 5), n0 = c(1, 4, 3, 2, 4), n1 = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 

Plain BiSSE with unresolved clades:

lik.u.b <- make.bisse(phy, phy$tip.state, unresolved = unresolved)
lik.u.b(pars)  # -139.3688
## [1] -139.4

Split BiSSE with unresolved clades:

lik.u.s <- make.bisse.split(phy, phy$tip.state, nodes, unresolved = unresolved)
lik.u.s(pars4)  # -139.3688
## [1] -139.4

lik.u.b(pars) - lik.u.s(pars4)  # numerical error only
## [1] -9.006e-09

[Package diversitree version 0.9-4 ]