Optimal foraging

Bluegill sunfish

Lecture bibliography

Abrahams, M. V., and L. M. Dill. 1989. A determination of the energetic equivalence of the risk of predation. Ecology 70: 999-1007.

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Hutchings, M. J. and H. de Kroon. 1994. Foraging in plants: the role of morphological plasticity in resource acquisition. Adv. Ecol. Res. 25: 160-238.

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Mittelbach, G. G. 1981. Foraging efficiency and body size: a study of optimal diet and habitat use by bluegills. Ecology 62: 1370-1386.

Poorter, H., and O. Nagel. 2000. The role of biomass allocation in the growth response of plants to different levels of light, CO2, nutrients and water: a quantitative review. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 27, 595–607.

Sih, A. and B. Christensen. 2001. Optimal diet theory: when does it work, and when and why does it fail? Animal Behaviour 61: 379-390.

Stephens, D. W. and J. R. Krebs. 1986. Foraging theory. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J.

Tilman, D. 1988. Plant strategies and the dynamics and structure of plant communities. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J.

Werner, E. E., J. F. Gilliam, D. J. Hall, and G. G. Mittelbach. 1983. An experimental test of the effects of predation risk on habitat use in fish. Ecology 64: 1540-1548.

Werner, E. E. and J. F. Gilliam. 1984. The ontogenetic niche and species interactions in size structured populations. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 15: 393-425.

Werner, E. E. and D. J. Hall. 1988. Ontogenetic habitat shifts in bluegill: the foraging rate - predation risk trade-off. Ecology 69: 1352-1366.


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