Biology 121 section 123

Mitosis, Meiosis, and Cytokinesis


What you should know about the processes

“Broader applications” of cell division concepts


A topic of considerable interest in our considerations of population ecology, animal behaviour, and evolutionary biology is reproduction. Since the key measure of success for organisms is whether they replace themselves, and thus achieve persistence on the planet, the various means they use to do so become central to our thinking, but in order to think through the implications of complex life-cycles, and the forces acting upon organisms favouring variable balances between sexual and asexual reproduction, it is important to be clear from the start about the basic underlying processes: mitosis (involved in the growth of a body as well as in asexual production of new bodies), meiosis (sometimes producing gametes and sometimes other cell-types, but always involved with sexual diversification of populations), and cytokinesis (often, but not always, associated in its occurrence with the nuclear-division processes of mitosis and meiosis).


What you should know about the processes


Theoretically, students entering Biology 121 really ought to know almost every technical point about nuclear and cell division: the names and sequence of the stages, the large- and small-scale events characteristic of each stage, the role of cell architecture like microtubules and microfilaments in bringing about the steps, and so forth. In practice, though, I will not ask you to enumerate the stages or the details in an exam. I will, however, proceed in lectures on the assumption that you are aware of the information, or at least that you will go and refresh your knowledge when necessary. For example, when we consider the phenomenon of independent assortment, it would be difficult for you to predict progeny ratios unless you understand the meiotic steps which cause chromosomes to align as they do in the two divisions.


u       Mitosis – involves “simple” nuclear division, so daughter nuclei are clone copies of the original (except for any mutations). Whatever the ploidy of the first nucleus, the daughter nuclei will be of the same ploidy. Always preceded by DNA replication.

u       Meiosis – more complex nuclear division. Daughter nuclei each inherit a quarter of the amount of DNA included in the original nucleus, usually one haploid set of single-stranded chromosomes derived randomly from the original diploid set of double-stranded ones. First division preceded by DNA replication, the second division not. Delay between divisions may be lengthy or almost nonexistent. Daughter nuclei may all survive (spores, sperm cells), or only some do (most eggs).

u       Cytokinesis – largely independent of nuclear division. Involves division of the cytoplasm and included organelles, usually to send equal amounts to each daughter cell but sometimes highly unequal (especially in egg production). May or may not occur between the meiotic divisions, and in most organisms (except coenocytic forms) does occur following mitosis and following the second meiotic division.


Freeman’s text is really excellent in the area of providing detailed background for all aspects of division. [See the What incoming students are expected to know document for references.] In addition to having a broad overview of what occurs, you should also try to develop an understanding of why things occur as and when they do. For instance, we might consider some or all of these puzzles:

§          Why is a dividing cell unlikely to be expressing any genes as it divides?

§          Why do DNA replication and messenger RNA production often occur more or less simultaneously (even if it seems potentially confusing, even chaotic)?

§          What role is played by quaternary structure (considered broadly) at the various stages of the cell cycle?

§          Why does meiosis require two divisional steps instead of one?

§          Why would unequal cell-division (often lethal for the smaller products) ever evolve?

… and so forth – you begin to get the idea!


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“Broader applications” of cell division concepts


Once you have grasped the essentials of cell-division processes, you can begin to explore the ways in which divisional processes have evolved to suit ecological and evolutionary requirements.


Growth – in some organisms, like plants and animals, growth of the body may involve making each cell larger, but more often involves making more cells by mitosis. Large body-size confers many advantages on organisms that can achieve it, but also imposes costs: a large body makes an organism succeed in competition for resources, but also makes it hard to hide from specialist predators or bad weather; large bodies allow for the storage of energy and nutrients to cope with an uncertain environment, but also require costly internal plumbing to move stored materials around to where they are needed, and a large intake of food in total. You could even propose that the repeated cell-division needed to grow a large body may make the body more prone to diseases of unmoderated division – cancers.

Now in some organisms, like fungi, relatively large bodies with many nuclei are pretty much coenocytic rather than subdivided into cells or cell types. We often view the presence of distinct cell types, organized into tissues and organs, as a sign of efficiency, but fungi seem to be doing quite well! Why should some organisms have mitosis with, and others more or less without, cytokinesis? How necessary is local specialization of body parts for a relatively large organism? We may not be able to answer these questions satisfactorily, but they could lead to other interesting hypotheses, and stretch our understanding of life usefully.

The cases of multinucleate organisms, whether cellular (one nucleus per cell) or coenocytic, suggest that a single nucleus can control only a certain volume of cytoplasmic machinery. In a fungus, this isn’t too surprising – how could a cytoplasmic organelle “know” which of several nearby nuclei it should “obey” when carrying out functions? Distance must impart information. Cell sizes, however, vary quite a bit in eukaryotes. Why should there be a specific range of cell volumes, in either multicellular or indeed single-celled eukaryotes? You could even ask why a single-celled eukaryote grows to a more or less fixed size before dividing: when only one nucleus is present, why can’t a cell get dramatically larger? Is there a limit on how much cytoplasm a single nucleus can control? If so, why? (A size limit can’t exist because there is confusion about which nucleus is in control.) Of course there are surface-area/volume issues which must limit the maximum size of a whole cell… but why aren’t cells all that one, same size? Thus growth at all levels poses challenges of explanation.


Life cycles – Freeman’s biodiversity chapters outline the wide range of observed life-cycle patterns. In many organisms, mitosis is the dominant (or in asexual species the only) process. Even in sexual species capable of meiosis, non-sexual vegetative reproduction can go on for hundreds of cycles before any sign of sex appears – consider liverworts, or mycelial fungi, or even Hydra. Clearly for those organisms the flexibility to engage in sexual (meiotic) or asexual (mitotic) processes provides a real advantage. This of course leads us to ask why the same flexibility doesn’t exist in many species… is it an indication that they are inferior? Or does it suggest that sexual-only cycling confers a huge advantage? But then, why aren’t all organisms cycling sexually?! Presumably one path out of this dilemma is to ask “under what circumstances will different modes of reproduction be advantageous?”, and we will spend some time investigating this question.

Apart from strictly reproductive issues, how do life-cycles and their division-processes relate to other aspects of the lives of the organisms involved? For example, consider dispersal to new sites: what kind of life-stage is best suited to this? In some species, a sexually-produced propagule is used, while in others an asexual propagule occurs. Why? And in some species, the life-cycle is critically dependent on some outside agency (wind, running water, the actions of other species) – why should organisms have ever evolved that sort of (risky) dependency? And in a different direction, we see some organisms which are almost always diploid, some almost always haploid, others with a more even time-split, and still others with haploid and diploid units breeding together (!!) – how can we make sense of this diversity? And why are there organisms with not just one or two, but sometimes dozens, of chromosome-sets? Once again, several of these questions probably cannot be answered, but they do stimulate thinking.


Genetic variability – tradeoffs between sexual and asexual stages are often explained through the possible role of genetic variability in populations. Thus we can appreciate that life-cycles and cell-division processes relate not only to environmental forces but also to genetic and molecular ones. If an organism is asexual, each of its offspring amounts to a copy of itself – excellent fitness outcome, right? So why aren’t all organisms asexual? Sexual organisms are usually only about 50%-related to each offspring (sometimes it can be nearer to 100%, sometimes nearer to zero) – so apparently on average a much poorer fitness showing, yet many sexual species thrive and dominate landscapes in spite of this “shortcoming”. How can we reconcile this state of affairs under the assumptions of natural selection? One thing we cannot conclude is that organisms plan for their own future needs – so how can sexual organisms “anticipate” the advantages their diverse (genetically mixed) offspring may later enjoy? And how much more diverse are they, actually, than an asexual brood (does it really make a difference)? As for the issue of life-cycles, the resolution of the variability question involves situational thinking, and an understanding of how the balance of forces in an environment dictates advantages to mitotic and meiotic processes.


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