The Moerman Laboratory


About Dr. Moerman 
Ongoing Projects 
Selected Citations 
List of Muscle-affecting genes  
Muscle Images: 1  2  3  4  5    

Knockout Lab:  FAQ  Strain info  

Protocols: Knockout  /  Poison Primer   
Nested PCR   RNAi   Stock solutions  

Worm SAGE datasets
Human disease homologs
Oligo Calculator
Links to other Worm sites 

* *08-NOV-2002: FOr gererating random number, the script now use mt_rand() instead of rand()... * and the script check whether there is any file in the image directory before generating the * random images... so if there is no image, it will print out an error message * * *15-OCT-2002: Bug fix: On some server, "Warning: stat failed for (errno=2 - No such file or directory)" *This have been fixed using @is_dir() instead of is_dir [Thanks to Ben Weinberger,] * * First release in July 2002. */ function displayAaPHPrandomImage($dirname, $alt){ $dirhandle = opendir($dirname); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dirhandle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !@is_dir($file) ) { $filelist[] = $file; } } closedir($dirhandle); if(sizeof($filelist) ==0) { echo "No file was found in the directory!"; exit; } srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $picnum = @rand(0, sizeof($filelist) - 1); $imageName=$dirname.$filelist[$picnum]; $imageSize = getimagesize($imageName); if($imageSize[2]==4 || eregi(".swf$", $imageName) ) { $result="\n"; $result .="\n"; $result .="\n"; $result .="\n"; } else $result="\n"; return $result; } ?>