Pictures of first instar Araneus diadematus

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When the spiders leave the cocoon, they will sit in a clump for several days. The spiders aren't much bigger than the head of a pin (~1mm).
Wooden posts are just as popular as vinyl siding. The warmer and windier it get, the more active the spiders become, and the more they spread out. When it get colder in the evening, they all huddle together in a clump again.


A little after the previous picture was taken, a hungry ant showed up and started chasing after the spiders. Because the spiders drop down on a dragline as soon as they are touched, the ant wasn't having much success.

Finally, the ant trapped a spider between a sheet of silk (not visible) and the wood, so that it couldn't drop away from the ant. You can see the tiny yellow spider behind the ant.

Lunch is served. The remaining spiders will wander off and start making webs in a few days.

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