Biology 434: Population Genetics
Winter Session 2004

Mid-term prep information page (frequently updated).

Currently the favoured set up for the extra tutorial session is to add an extra hour on to the Tuesday and Wednesday tutorials, and have other interested students show up at 3PM on those days. Get your votes in!

I am happy to organize a mid-term study session / extra tutorial for anyone interested. Dates that are currently under consideration are Friday 13 Feb, Sunday 22 Feb, Monday 23 Feb, Tuesday 24 Feb, Wednesday 25 Feb. Please email me your prefered date for such a study session and which times and dates you absolutely cannot make it for. Since the Thursday tutorial section occurs after the mid-term exam I will do my best to organize the study session around their availabilities first.

I should point out that the extra study session cannot occur on Tuesday or Wednesday between 2:00-4:00PM because there are regular tutorials occuring then, unless everyone in Thursday's tutorial can make it to either the Tuesday or Wednesday tutorial.

Another possibility would be to tack an extra hour on to the end of the tutorial on Tuesday Feb 24th, or Wednesday Feb 25th and have students who are in Thursdays tutorial arrange to come to one of those tutorials instead. I am also open to alternate suggestions. I am pretty sure I can get a classroom on campus somewhere to host this, if not I can probably get a seminar room from Zoology to host this. If that wouldn't work, we could always relocate to one of the bars or coffee shops immediately off campus.

Just to be totally thorough, I will be unavailable for extra help during reading week- although I will be available through email for questions. I will be busy working during reading week, but I will do my best to answer your questions quickly. Unless someone specifically states that they prefer me not to, I will post the questions on the web site along with my answers. n that case I will retype and reprhase the questions so that everyone (except me) will be able to remain anonymous.

Ok, so email me.

Suggested dates so far

Tuesday Feb 10th
Friday Feb 13th
Sunday Feb 22nd
Monday Feb 23rd
Tuesday Feb 24th
Wednesday Feb 25th