C. elegans Gene Knockout Project

Michael Smith Laboratories

University of British Columbia

Standard Nested PCR Protocol

For 10 ul reactions; amounts given are per reaction.
(Make enough master mix for 1 extra reaction per 6 reactions.)

External Round

Internal Round

Master Mix:Master Mix:
1 µl dNTP mix (2mM each dNTP) 1 µl dNTP mix (2mM each dNTP)
1 µl 10x PCR buffer (15mM MgCl2) 1 µl 10x PCR buffer (15mM MgCl2)
0.04 µlTaq polymerase (0.2U) 0.04 µlTaq polymerase (0.2U)
5.16 µl dH2O 7.16 µl dH2O
0.8 µl primer mix (5 pmoles/µl each, forward & reverse primer) 0.8 µl primer mix (5 pmoles/µl each, forward & reverse primer)
2 µlcontaining DNA (typically sample of worms or single worm digested in lysis buffer followed by heat inactivation of Proteinase K) 0.2 µlsample from external round

Cycling Parameters
(external and internal PCR)
1 cycle: 94ºC/30 sec.
35 cycles: 94ºC/30 sec.
55ºC/30 sec.
72ºC/30 sec. to 120 sec.∗
Hold: 4ºC

∗  We use parameters that let us see the wild-type product. 30-second extension time generally is adequate for products up to 1.2 kbp. Use 60 seconds for products up to about 2.4 kbp, and 90 or 120 seconds for larger products. In some cases these times will prove unsatisfactory, and you will want to adjust them up or down.

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Last modified June 8, 2004